But then when she felt erection she got all funny and started pulling it out. "Oh my god, that's the biggest fucking cock I've ever seen.", she said. She sat back looking at it wide eyed and asked me how big it is. When I told her, she sorta sat there and then said, "That's probably too big for me. Where did you get that?" We joked about my size a bit, letting her feel how heavy it is and all, and i let her watch as i sucked on it a little, but nothing got her to do anything but stare.
It happens alot, me sitting there with my huge erection while someone stares at it or comments on it. I liked that it impressed her and that its the biggest one she'd ever seen, but I knew then, that I wasn't going to get anything. Usually, being the nice guy, I go "it's okay, dont worry. we can just hang out." and get nothing.
I can only imagine how scary it must be to see, it certainly amazes me when I look at it. Times like that though i wish I was big but not so massive. 7" would be ideal wouldn't it? Guys that big have it so lucky. This big, all I'm good for is the shock value.